Club Assembly
1. President Jim led off by noting t the theme for 2023-2024, Create Hope in the World, and suggested our programs bring hope to a wide variety of people.
2. Community Service Director Tim McLeod noted the program would continue to support those in need. He noted new programs to be supported, including assistance to the RSL to support their volunteers, Merri River School music program, and Myeloma. When the DG visits (5 October) funds will be presented to the DG’s Partner for her project to support Australian Rotary Health.
3. International Service Director Bill Hewett also highlighted new programs, both in co-operation with other clubs. With Ballarat West, to assist their Dental Clinics in Pacific Nations, then with Warrnambool supporting their work in Papua New Guinea.
4. Environment & Sustainability Director Nicole Larter said that this “newish” committee was still developing its contacts and would continue this work. 
5. Youth & Vocational Director Wendy Mitchem emphasised the value of receiving feedback from those we support, helping the club to decide the value of the support and make decisions about ongoing funding.
6. Membership & Public Image Committee – Chairman Paul Atack was an apology. President Jim emphasised that new members, especially younger ones, are critical to the future of RCWE. Again, the M&PI plans for the year are included in the Club Assembly Report.
7. Hole-in-One Chairman Mike Toone outlined the proposed budget for 2023-2024’s event, noting that it was a little more conservative than 2022-2023 due to several one-off factors impacting the outstanding result last year. He emphasised that 2022-2023 was successful due to a “whole-club” response, and this would be needed again this year.
8. BBQ Chairman Cliff Heath – not only about raising funds, but also about advertising the club in the community. Cliff said that BBQs were also an excellent opportunity for newer members to slot into the club. The BBQ Committee does not accept all requests, but considers other activities impacting on the club and the merit of the request. Cliff mentioned that two large-scale fundraisers had been lost in recent years – the ACME Field Days and the Port Fairy Folk Festival. The loss of ACME was due to COVID and the subsequent decision by Field Days organisers not to resume the activity post-COVID.  In response to a question re the “Folkie”, it was explained that the organisers no longer saw a place for the RCWE BBQ in their offerings.
It should be noted that planned expenditure is conditional on fundraising.