Moving BBQ Gear - Peter Reeve called for workers at Ian Heard’s at 9.00 a.m. on Saturday 27 to remove all BBQ gear to the Showgrounds – strong backs needed.
Bunnings BBQ - Peter Hasell thanked workers at Bunnings BBQ – much more profitable because located back near the entrance door.
Thank You Letter - Glen Riddle read thank you letters from Merri River School and Riding for the Disabled.
Pies -  Roger Cussen & Ian Cameron – handing out pies sold last week and auction of a new batch, proceeds to Foodshare. Well done Ian!
Christmas Party - Mark Taylor (minus beard) – clipboard going round – please sign up for Christmas Party at $30 per person.
Hole in One Working Bee - Ian Macdonald thanked members who assisted in moving container from Showgrounds to Hole-in-One site.
Letter from St Vincent de Paul - Joe Baptiste read a thank you letter from St Vincent de Paul and spoke about how great the need is at present.