Domestic Family Violence
Mark Taylor – soon to be President noted that he had attended the Group C Presidents’ Meeting where attention had been given to Rotary’s plan to be involved in alleviation of Domestic & Family Violence. We should work with existing community groups to see where we can best fit in to the program. For more information, refer to Rotary Down Under for September.
Hole in One Planning
Time to start to contact sponsors, Mike Toone outlined the approach to be taken when members are contacting previous HIO sponsors.
Youth and Vocational
Wendy Mitchem reported,
School Awards time was here again – letters gone to 22 schools, If Rotarians have contacts with any schools, e.g., children, grandchildren, please see Wendy as schools need Rotarians in attendance to present awards.
Read a letter from Woolsthorpe School in appreciation of donation.
Clontarf end-of-year activity on Wednesday 22 November – an invitation for Rotarians to attend.
Membership Night - November 9
Members asked to invite possible future Rotarians.
Saturday October 7 - Bunnings
Thursday 12 October “The Great Chase” at Wannon Park
28 October “Warrnambool Show” which involves both BBQ and Parking Supervision
1 December “Saputo Christmas Party” at Lake Pertobe

In response, Mark reiterated his comments about the privilege of leadership and encouraged any Rotarian who would like to enjoy this reward to talk to him.
Did you know?
Following on from Rotarian Cheryl’s comments, in 1981 Ian Scott from the Rotary Club of Mornington heard an address about the impact of “cot death” or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and especially the speaker’s comment “that the lives of many infants could be saved if research funds were available.” Not everyone was happy, but against some fierce opposition, the Australian Rotary Health Research Fund was approved by all Australian Rotary Districts and by the Board of Rotary International, with the aim of raising $2M to fund SIDS research.
The scope was widened to cover a range of health research areas, including adolescent health, indigenous health, and many others. In recent times, focus has been on mental health. In 2008, the name was changed to Australian Rotary Health, allowing the broadening of funding, and now includes doctoral level scholarships for research students as well as support for the training of indigenous nurses.
Since 2000, some 200+ projects related to mental health have been funded to a total value approaching $50M. The theme “Lift the Lid on Mental Illness” was adopted in 2018.

(Information from Humanity In Action is acknowledged.)