Youth & Vocational Service 2022-2023

Director: Wendy Mitchem
Deputy Director: Di Hardy (resigned 29 December)
Committee: Joe Baptiste, Cliff Heath, Geoff Covey (from 15 December), Peter Reeve, Mike Toone.
Budget Items were mainly met and additional items were voted to be added by Board & Club due to enormous results from the Hole-in-One: a tribute to each and every member of Warrnambool Rotary East.
Despite some hurdles within the ranks due to double commitments, in the short time range we had recovering from the impact COVID has had on our proposed supports, my Team has managed to reallocate and support some worthwhile projects. Well done to all for your efforts.
Youth and Vocational copped an added blow from COVID because we overlap Rotary Year ending in June because a major part of our funding is allocated to end of school and TAFE awards which occur November-December, so always in pre & post.
TAFE Apprentice Awards $ 3,327
Ably assisted by Paul Atack, Bill Hewett and me, we held zoom Interviews at TAFE on the big screen which worked well thanks to Bill & Paul’s expertise. Winners were presented to Club on 1 December to receive their awards with family which was well received.
Awardees were
Overall Winner Alexander MacKenzie (Carpentry) $ 1,200
1st Runner Up Courtney Lake (Horticulture) $ 700
2nd Runner Up Lestarianta Limbong (Engineering
Metal Trades) $ 700
There were also four $100 Encouragement Awards made.

Neil Porter Tertiary Scholarships (a new program) $ 1,000
Set up by his family to honour of Neil’s 30 years of teaching trade skills to thousands of students. He was instrumental in setting up college VET/VCAL programs. This foundation aims to help students enter rewarding careers.
Backpacks 4 Vic Kids $ 500
Were able to have a packing day for sacks this year as well as an appeal to
fill sacks or donate again resulted in $500 budgeted as well as $1335 in
personal amounts. Again huge thanks for a great response to this project.
Clontarf $ 1,144
Were finally able to have a presentation night which was attended by Wendy Mitchem, Peter Reeve, Jim Sawyer, Mike Toone. Jim spoke about how great it was to see the outcomes of the program and presented awards
Brophy Foster Care Giving Program (a new program) $ 2,000
Following the Brophy team’s interesting presentation on 13 April the contingency money was approved to be allocated to the launch of Brophy Foster Care’s new gift giving program. This is happening in conjunction with Toyworld & Collins Booksellers who are providing cost-price items to ensure no out-of-home child is without a book or a toy.
Hands on Learning $ 1,000
Paid in advance for funding reasons +$1000
Very grateful for continued support to provide programs for disengaged children in schools. Have commenced with a further school each year with supports like ours.
Indigenous Books in Schools $ 0
Money has been re-allocated for this year because Peter hit a brick wall with Eastern Maar Language and Cultural Committee Chairperson - have not given up on getting collaboration with One Day Studios who have produced some older children’s books in indigenous language (watch this space).
There is real merit in connecting boys to culture through them actively promoting language.
($3,000 allowed in the planned budget.)
L2P (a new program) $ 1,000
Learn to drive mentoring program through Brophy. We reallocated some funds to support drivers to give their time to support learner driver assistance to obtain licence.
One Day Studios $ 1,000
A Technology skills network and mentorship still doing huge projects around engaging youth. Leader, Gareth Colliton, was recognized in January as the Warrnambool won Citizen of the Year. This funding used to purchase a camera-fitted drone to further expand the skills being learned.
School Awards $ 2,700
$200 awards made available to five Secondary Schools and $100 awards to seventeen Primary Schools. Received some very pleasing letters from recipients of our awards, including a crochet rose and a chocolate.
Standing Tall $ 2,000
Supporting the Scholarships awards that have been introduced into the four schools covered by the strong mentoring group.
Warrnambool Tooram Scouts $ 0
Unable to set up a contact visit but still hoping to have a connection.
($1,000 allowed in the planned budget.)
Warrnambool College (a new program) $ 2,000
Supporting equipment request mainly directed to Kalay girls (female equivalent of Clontarf).
TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR 2022-2023 .. .. .. .. $17,671
Wendy Mitchem