Hole in One Up-date
Noel Kenna noted that Hole-in-1 Patron Mark Leishman had begun very well at the Australian with three birdies, but had finished the first round at Par.
# an updated roster sent to all members
# very good response, thank you, but still more needed
# roster circulating tonight if you can help.
# reminded that as per DG Kathy’s comments, tonight’s awardees and visitors might be targets for volunteering or membership.
Planting of Casuarina Grove
# Planting of Casuarina Grove at Lake Pertobe had happened, with lots of Rotary volunteers – looks great – celebratory BBQ at 6.30 a.m. Friday (Maggie & Roger Cussen attending)
Back Packs 4 Vic Kids
As previously, two options available
a. donate money – see Treasurer Jim week, or
b. buy items – see Maggie for a bag and advice about suitable items.
Two very important BBQs coming up with rosters circulating tonight if you can help:
# Saputo Staff Christmas on Friday 9 December
# Bunnings on Sunday 11 December.
Did you know?
Following the December theme of Disease Prevention and Treatment, Rotary’s co-operation with other world organisations to eradicate Poliomyelitis is a keynote program.
In 1979 Rotary International began its fight against polio with a multi-year project to immunize 6 million children in the Philippines. The program stepped up in 1985 when Rotary International launched PolioPlus, the first and largest internationally coordinated private-sector support of a public health initiative, with an initial fundraising target of US$120 million. The next step came in 1988 when Rotary International and the World Health Organization launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. At that time, there are an estimated 350,000 cases of polio in 125 countries.
A massive immunisation programme saw many millions of children treated across the world, and bit by bit, Polio was being eliminated. In 1994 the Americas were declared free of polio. In 2000, the Western Pacific region, spanning from Australia to China, was declared polio-free. By 2003 only six countries remained polio-endemic, those being Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan. By 2014, the World Health Organization certified the South-East Asia region polio-free. Polio cases are down over 99% since 1988. By 2020, the World Health Organization certified the African region wild polio-free.
So far in 2022, there have been only 22 cases of wild polio throughout the whole world, being 2 in Afghanistan and 20 in Pakistan, so 40 years on, we are nearly there.
More details of Rotary’s role in this great achievement next week.